AC 73 - 75 25th Reunion
In The Beginning...


In The Beginning...
Friday Night At The Social Centre
And On To Marcross...
Saturday Afternoon
Let's Get Wet!
Saturday Evening Festivities
The Farewell Barbecue
Odds And Ends
Chris' Photos (1)
Chris' Photos (2)
Chris' Photos (3)
Chris' Photos (4)
Lorenzo's Photos (1)
Lorenzo's Photos (2)
Lorenzo's Photos (3)
Asbjorn's Photos
Class E-mail Directory
Class Snail-Mail Directory
Photo Credits


Marit Steigre, Tricia Garbutt Waldie, Rob Benzinger, and Chris Wilkie under the portcullis.


Todd Hamilton, Chris and Rob on their way to lunch.


Fernando Esteban and Rob eagerly anticipating an opportunity to eat AC food again. How twenty-five years will affect one's memory...