AC 73 - 75 25th Reunion
The Farewell Barbecue


In The Beginning...
Friday Night At The Social Centre
And On To Marcross...
Saturday Afternoon
Let's Get Wet!
Saturday Evening Festivities
The Farewell Barbecue
Odds And Ends
Chris' Photos (1)
Chris' Photos (2)
Chris' Photos (3)
Chris' Photos (4)
Lorenzo's Photos (1)
Lorenzo's Photos (2)
Lorenzo's Photos (3)
Asbjorn's Photos
Class E-mail Directory
Class Snail-Mail Directory
Photo Credits

Yet another perfect day...


Susan and Keiko


Chris and Neil Lewis


"I wonder why they keep addressing me as 'Ghaleb'."


Neil, Rogier Frederiks, Todd, and Asbjorn reviewing the grilling efforts of the 2nd-years. Don't ask why they're standing around the garbage can...