AC 73 - 75 25th Reunion
In The Beginning...
Friday Night At The Social Centre
And On To Marcross...
Saturday Afternoon
Let's Get Wet!
Saturday Evening Festivities
The Farewell Barbecue
Odds And Ends
Chris' Photos (1)
Chris' Photos (2)
Chris' Photos (3)
Chris' Photos (4)
Lorenzo's Photos (1)
Lorenzo's Photos (2)
Lorenzo's Photos (3)
Asbjorn's Photos
Class E-mail Directory
Class Snail-Mail Directory
Photo Credits

Welcome to the AC 73 - 75 25th reunion web site!


Lorenzo Borletti and Ghaleb Cachalia reminiscing of good times had while gardening. Or maybe they're just smiling about their new hairdos...

Here is a brief road map of the site's layout... Pages progress in the chronological order of the weekend. In general, photo subjects are identified from left to right. The photos from Chris and Lorenzo were received too late to incorporate into the regular flow of the pages - they therefore appear unannotated on their own dedicated pages: Chris' Photos (1) - (4) and Lorenzo's Photos (1) - (3). Regarding reprints of any of the images on this web site, see Photo Credits for guidance.

To those people who attended the reunion, it's never too late to send me your photos - I'd be glad to add them to this "work in progress". And for anyone who didn't get to attend and would like the world to know how well you've preserved yourself over the years, I'd be more than happy to create a page with photos dedicated to this purpose.

Please note! Since these pages mostly consist of images, they may take a minute or two to download, depending on your ISP and computer configuration. In addition, Chris' and Lorenzo's photos were scanned at particularly high resolutions, so their pages may take a little longer to come into view. Thanks for your patience.

This site was last updated on June 7, 2001. Comments, suggestions, and reactions regarding the site can be directed to Todd Hamilton (AC 73 - 75):